Good evening, how are you all!?!?!?!!?
I've been a little lazy of late ... must be the heat! However, I'm back in to my blossoms - my lanterns are swaying by the waters edge, my lights are standing tall and upright, my Japanese Palace sits nearly hidden in the background .... So, the water works are next on my agenda folks.... take a look at where I'm at ....
Still got the little steps that lead down to the waters edge, a few 'tree' updates, a few more 'blossoms', and maybe a few peeps, maybe not - maybe an animal or two, maybe not!
Who knows what will happen next, its been fun to paint, and those that know me will also know how I feel about those metallic paints. The shine on these are absolutely incredible, and that alone makes me soooo happy ... I'm very easily pleased!
Well, today has gone so quickly I cant believe it - must be time for a little TV, a cuppa tea and a chill out :)
Have a lovely eve all, and once again thanks for checking in with me.
Tarn xxx